Structure, Governance and Management
The Chinese Association of Woking (CAW) was formed in 1987 as a non-profit-making voluntary organisation. On 19th May 2004 it become a limited company and in May 2005 became a registered charity. The company was established under a Memorandum of Association of CAW which established the objects and powers of the charitable company and governed under its Articles of Association. The trustees are nominated by the members and then elected annually in the Annual General Meeting. The board can also co-opt members into the board when necessary. The trustees retire by rotation. The maximum term of office for each trustee is three years. The CAW is a member of the Woking Association of Voluntary Service (WAVS) which provides a wide range of support and training for charities in the local area. All trustees are DBS checked via WAVS.
Aims and Objectives
The CAW’s objectives are: To advance the education of the public in all aspects of Chinese culture, arts, tradition, history and language and in particular but not exclusively to persons of Chinese origin or descent, without distinction of sex, political or other opinions, resident or working within (but not limited to ) the borough of Woking and the surrounding area, the promotion of racial harmony within the area and to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of education, health, social welfare and rebeation and other leisure time occupation to improve the social, educational, cultural and physical development of the inhabitants of the community.